First day on the job

I started my internship at Mountain Meadows Farm today! We picked strawberries until it started raining. Then we went inside and did a little cleaning. After the rain cleared off we thinned the pear and asian pear trees. I saw two adorable tree frogs – apparently they like Asian pears! After lunch I thinned some of the bigger pear trees by myself while Shannon went to get all the strawberries we picked. Then the sky started looking very ominous and they sent me home early before the rainpocalyse hit. Except I don’t think it ever did. It was quite nice and sunny at our house, and I got the garden weeded and all my broccoli and cauliflower transplanted.

Garden snapshot, May 2014

The garden snapshot is back! I’ve been trying to post these photos for about a month, so I hope you’ve got a while to read this…

A late spring freeze got all my fruit this year. I covered all the trees, but it wasn’t enough. Of course, immediately afterward I read a tip about stringing Christmas lights on small trees to provide extra warmth. I have to try that next time! I took these photos before the fruit fell off. T_T

I got a ton of stuff done in the garden after it warmed up a bit. Here’s what it looked like earlier this month.

20140421-174410.jpg At this point I had planted cucumbers, zucchini, corn, peas, lentils, onions, leeks, thyme, dill, cilantro, lettuce, kale, arugula, spinach, bok choy, squash, pumpkins, watermelon, and cantaloupe.

Here were all the little bok choy plants. They have since bolted prematurely, so I won’t be getting any bok Choy this year.

Here is the garlic then.

And now. It’s looking great this year, although I didn’t plant nearly as much of it.

20140524-104037-38437169.jpg Here are the strawberries a few weeks ago, which I just started picking last week.

20140524-104204-38524458.jpg This zucchini plant had just come up.

20140524-105045-39045662.jpg And here they are now. They seem to be off to a slow start this year.

20140524-104450-38690702.jpg Check out the corn in perfect little squares!

20140524-105733-39453865.jpg This year I’m using a garden stamp to plant my seeds. It’s such a simple yet brilliant tool for square foot gardening! And the best part is that I don’t have to bring a measuring tape to the garden any more. When we installed the edging I placed the stakes every two feet and stapled the plastic pathways every foot. Between that and the garden stamp my plants are perfectly spaced, which makes me so happy. And the perfect corn is a little taller now.

20140524-110208-39728540.jpg These peas had just sprouted.

20140524-110330-39810486.jpg Last week I made a pea trellis. We already had the bamboo poles, so I just attached some pea netting. I really like the way it turned out.

20140524-110451-39891877.jpg Right behind the peas are the lentils I decided to try. Neither of the seed companies I ordered from carried lentils, so I just got some from the bulk section at Earth Fare. Nearly all of the French lentils germinated, but only a few of the pink ones did. I’m very interested to see if they produce well. They’re pretty little plants.

20140524-111034-40234758.jpg Right beside those are the parsnips.

20140524-111140-40300186.jpg And green onions.

20140524-111312-40392216.jpg I decided to try a new trellis system for the tomatoes this year. Most of the varieties I grow are indeterminate, and the regular tomato cages weren’t cutting it (although I think they’ll be perfect for the peppers and eggplant). We had great success with using cattle panel as a giant trellis archway last year, so we bought a few more panels and cut them to size for the tomatoes. I think they’ll work great.

20140524-112055-40855846.jpg I just finished planting the peppers and eggplant last week. I’m trying Anaheim peppers this year (poblanos were too spicy!) and several kinds of eggplant, which look better than ever.

20140524-112242-40962950.jpg This is cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli right after I transplanted them.

20140524-112929-41369714.jpg And yesterday, from a different angle.

20140524-113053-41453238.jpg The mesclun greens are finally big enough to be picked. I’ve been waiting forever for salad!

20140524-113254-41574916.jpg These are the beans from earlier. I’m trying more drying kinds this year. I’ve had great luck with growing beans, but a surplus of green beans which Matt isn’t that fond of.

20140524-113522-41722891.jpg They grow fast! Fava beans, chickpeas, and edamame are there too.

20140524-113614-41774668.jpg The squash and pumpkins are just getting started. This bed really needs mulching before the weeds take over…

20140524-113711-41831750.jpg Last but not least, here are the potatoes.

20140524-113750-41870028.jpg This photo was taken just two weeks later. I can’t believe how fast they’re growing! It’s going to be a good year for potatoes.

20140524-113946-41986228.jpg And very last, sweet potatoes.


Here comes little Coconut-tail…

hopping down the bunny trail!

Wait, that’s not how the song goes? The bunny cake I made would beg to differ.

20140420-222609.jpg And yes, her name is Coconut-tail. Or at least it was for a while, because her tail got eaten first.

20140420-222737.jpg It was a coconut cake with coconut buttercream frosting. I’m sort of opposed to artificial food coloring, so I dyed the grass green with spinach juice. It was really easy! And I did the pink nose with a little strawberry jam.

Poor little Coconut-tail. She was almost too cute to eat. When I was a kid a lot of chocolate Easter bunnies went to waste because they were so adorable I couldn’t bear to eat them. No wonder I became a vegetarian…

Happy Easter!