The mulberry tree

Last week when we were walking Story and Kate we came to an area of the sidewalk that was covered with berries that had fallen from an overhanging tree. I thought they might be mulberries but, having little knowledge of berries that grow on trees, I supposed I had better do a little research on the mulberry tree before getting too excited. As it turns out they have no poisonous look-alikes, so when we went for walk on Friday we took a bucket and picked a quart of berries! They taste somewhat similar to a blackberry. A mulberry cobbler might be in our future…


Fresh from the garden

20140429-222636.jpg 10 oz of carrots

Woohoo, the first thing I picked this year! I planted these last fall. It’s sort of disheartening how Mountain Meadows has rows upon rows of perfect lettuces, kale, bok Choy, strawberries, and mine are just barely getting started… But they do have greenhouses, I suppose.